
总统: Dr. 洛弗尔Pugh-Bassett
一般信息: Academic Year 2015-2016


Camden 县 College’s mission was launched when what had been the Mother of the Savior Seminary – along with the 320-acre tract of land surrounding it – was purchased in Gloucester Township early in 1967 and developed into the Blackwood Campus. The College’s presence in Camden began in borrowed spaces in 1969, 1991年, a 卡姆登城市校区 was established. CCC’s third permanent location, the 威廉G. Rohrer中心, opened in 2000 in Cherry Hill. In 2011, the College assumed administration of the county’s Regional Emergency Training Center, which includes the 火学院 and 警察学院, and adult programs of Camden 县 Technical Schools, creating the Technical Institute of Camden 县 College, both in Gloucester Township. Throughout its history, Camden 县 College also has offered courses at various community locations throughout Camden 县 to bring additional educational opportunities right where residents live and work.


教师/teaching professionals: 131

工作人员: 308

总: 439

大小: One of the region’s largest public post-secondary institutions of higher education and one of New Jersey’s largest community colleges

Total # of credit students served in FY 2017:
Total number of students served in credit classes from Fall 1967 to Fall 2016:

学生 & 县

Demographics: (Fall 2015) 大学生 卡姆登县*
高加索人 48.8% 60.8%
非裔美国人 20.7% 18.2%
亚洲 1.5% 0.2%
拉美裔 15.7% 13.8%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1.5% 0.2%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.7% 0
两个或更多种族 0.7% 1.8%
没有报告 5% 0.2%
男性 41% 47.3%%
57.5% 52.7%
没有报告 1.45% *Based on residents 18 years or older.

Enrollment Demographics (Fall 2016)

平均年龄 = 27

77% Camden 县 residents; 96.3%新泽西居民

Public High School 学生 – Class of 2015
???% of Camden 县’s public high school 12th graders (as of Fall 2014) were enrolled at the College during Fall 2015

47.1 % full-time; 52.9%的兼职



$107/credit (county resident)

$111/credit (out-of-county resident)

$199/credit (International 学生s)

Sources of Funding (FY2017):

58%学生学费 & 费用

